wow, havent been posting anything for quite some time d.. have been quite bz with studies n all.. anyway nothing much to report here.. ok wait, wanna share wat happened to me today
we've handed in our list of the final year project titles that we're interested in n after 2-3 torturing weeks of waiting for the lecturer's reply i finally got my title!! i was just starting to get worried coz most of my coursemates were alr getting theirs but me? seems like no lecturers wanted me :( so today we went lecturer hunting n i went to my 1st choice leturer Dr Wong.. btw i chose her for the topic, not for her, i'm actully terrified of her k.. 1 would be crazy to put her as the 1st choice, but i did anyway.. not sure y again, but i guess it was God leading me to take that topic lah.. so i gathered all the caurage i had n went in faith to meet her, this was how it went..
me: hi dr wong, er sorry ya, i was just wondering if u've alr chosen ur final year project students?
dr wong: ya
(with an evil grin on her face.. at this point the 1st thing that came into my mind was that, ok she chose her students d, but she didn't contact me bout it so i guess that she didn't accept me loh)
me: oh.. .. er ok thanks anyway
(just as i was gonna walk away, she asked me.. ..)
dr wong: y? did u put me as ur 1st choice?
me: oh, ya i did..
dr wong: so how?
(again with that evil grin!!)
me: er.. ..
(i was still thinking that she had alr rejected me.. so wat can i say rite?)
ok the rest of the conversation's a blur to me now coz i was too nervous that time.. so fast forward, n the good news is i got it!! then she went on to ask me some stuff n briefed me a lil.. she even borrowed me her precious 3cm thick research paper to read!! the fact that she did that gives me the idea that maybe she's got no1 else under her.. hmm.. .. anyway God was really in the picture n i'll be trusting Him to bring me through lah
ok enough bout that, here's a few other stuff for u all to keep in ur prayers
1) iba unplugged is happening this sat.. may the Lord's glory be revealed through this event ya
2) exams r nearing but cant concentrate on studying for that yet coz still there r lab reports to do.. so frustrating!! i'm predicting that i'll go missing from this blog for another few more weeks lah..
oh btw, abel, if ur reading this, u owe me rm34.50 for mummy's present :p.. went through the whole of jusco trying to find a decent jewellery box but i could only find this.. the rest were all for lil girls with pink flowers n unicorns on it.. so.. .. .. ya, i'll only be passing it to her this weekend k.. forgot to give it to her on sun :p

take care all