Sunday, August 26, 2007

KGC family camp

When we arrived at HCC the 1st thing i noticed right after getting off the bus was the cool fresh air!! followed by the beautiful sceneries. Those who've been there would recognise this pic
overall the camp was great.. a relaxing time with lovely ppl.. just 5 days off from my studies, to focus on God.. n it was worth it!!

we went hiking on the 3rd day to gunung jasa n another mountain (forgot the name).. since the sceneries were breath taking, i'll let the pics speak for itself
On the peak of gunung jasa.. simply beautiful..
now... whose hand could that be.. hmm.... .. ..
throughout the whole journey we saw many different types of mushrooms
looks like some1 got hungry on the way.. haih.. .. ..
the guys in KGC are just something else lah.. here we have a row of gentleman helping us girls..
ya, the guys in KGC are just something else.. .. .. ..
our very enthusiastic paparazi (abang sly)
Max kor kor n the 3 princesses
cute lil chloe blowing bubbles
pei ling n i
sweet christine n i
Romantiknya (jacob n jaya)
on the 4th day we had an outing to the farms n pasars.. ngee zhen being very patriotik with his strawberry on a stick
was lazy to walk uphill to the "kasimanis" place selling strawberries.. so we ss nearby the bus
after the trip we had 1 hour to spare so we headed to Tee cafe.. this notice is funny.. esp the prayer for husbands n wives.
when we got our scones we were so excited that we forgot to take pics 1st.. here's 1 that has alr been touched.. yumm.. .. ..
On the last night the aunties n uncles were sharing their love stories outside the dining place n lil poh yen was skipping around happily until she saw a moth.. n guess how she reacted? for a sec she got frightened, then she gathered whatever courage she had to ask that moth "are u a real butterfly?" haha so cute!! then she skipped to abang jup n asked "is butterfly real?" after he explained some stuff (cant hear) she started to skip n fly like a butterfly!! haha she was so cute!!

the ride back home was terrible, felt like vomiting half the time.. this pic is 1 that we took on the bus back home.. .. .. er.. .. .. picaso?

from all these pics, we look like we had loads of fun activities rite? but actually we also had loads of sessions with mr George Dawson.. a speaker once said that if after a session the ppl walks out of the room praising the speaker, he has failed as a minister/preacher/teacher/whatever.. a successful speaker would be 1 that after the session, ppl walks out of the room praising God instead.. well all i have to say is, we have a great n awesome God..

HCC has always brought good memories where God was superbly real to me during RBS.. every morn He spoke to me through the birds, bees, flowers, wind etc n it was beautiful.. so b4 this camp i was determined to spend every morning like how we did during RBS.. unfortunately for the 1st few days it was so cold n i was so lazy to go out of the dorm that i did my quiet time in bed.. but on the last day of camp, i managed to wake up a lil bit earlier n get out of the dorm to spend some quiet time alone with God..

i read psalm99 n in vs6,7 the psalmist says that the israelites called on the Lord n He answered n spoke to them from the pillar of cloud.. so i went to the top floor balcony (for better view) to c if i can spot any pillar of clouds.. sure enough i saw 1 huge pillar of clouds!! but it wasn't a standing up pillar, it was sort of like a horizontal, fallen pillar of clouds n it was moving towards the right.. then i noticed something odd, the other nearby clouds were moving to the left instead, n it's as if that pillar of clouds were like an aeroplane flying the opposite direction against the wind.. mr dawson mentioned that the life of a christian is not easy, we have to face lots of obstacles in this world; it's like a fish that has to swim against the current (fish=us; current=the world).. he also mentioned that after this camp we would be returning to the valley n there the devil would be waiting for us.. so i guess God was preparing me to face the world n the evil 1 after this camp is over..

Then as i was gazing at the clouds, i notice that the pillar was moving towards a mountain n part of it eventually crashed against the mountain.. but instead of dispersing into random shapes of clouds, the obstacle only sharpened it's tip like a pencil n yet the rest of the pillar maintained its shape n was still moving firmly past the mountain.. it's such a joy that God gives us the assurance that we wont be tempted beyond our limits, n that He'll provide us with sufficient strength to overcome the trials n temptations that come our way.. once we've overcome, we'll emerge victorious, just like the pillar of clouds that was sharpened.. so as a sharp sword cuts through much easier then a blunt 1, the challenges that we face will only shape us to be more equipped n prepared to face the next challenges


h0cmun said...

camps at HCC are always fun and memoriable.

especially the hills and familiar rooms we are using.

the weather is always the attraction for camp.

i still remember,

"climb up gunung jasa,
it took 3 hour saja".


belyeong said...

haha ya, that's how i rmbered the name gunung jasa, from eubing's song.. u c, the name of the other gunung that we climbed is not in the song, so i cant rmb.. haha maybe he should add a list of gunung names into that song

Anonymous said...

Great work.